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Virtual offices are the new trend amongst international businesses. With the boost in quality and effectiveness that is brought forth by such offices, gradually this phenomenon is becoming a very popular one.
The idea of a virtual office revolves around providing the right blend of off-site real time communication and related services that reduce the costs that would otherwise be associated with traditional office practices. The best part: a high level of business professionalism is maintained without anyone knowing how it is done.
International businesses are bound to benefit from the whole idea of virtual offices as it very conveniently provides a platform for the business to retain current customers and to attain new customers. Nothing provides a greater sense of security to a business than knowing that they can be located literally in any possible corner of the world, possess citizenship of any country yet still manage to enjoy an office anywhere in the world. There is no doubt that besides providing an effective presence in the professional business environment, a proper virtual office also ensures that the business enjoys greater credibility. An intelligent business knows that its success lies in the hands of its customers. Surely by providing easier access and convenience to the customers, virtual businesses enhance their efficiency, effectiveness as well as success opportunities.
The advantages that a virtual office brings with it to the employees of a business are tremendous in terms of motivation, clear direction, and growth opportunities. Through such a system, employees are well aware of what their job specifically entails and hence it is easier to achieve goals. The frequency of communication involved not only gets them involved in every aspect of a business, but also gives way to growth as well as motivation.
The phenomenon of virtual offices is not one that is entirely alien to us. We witness such operations through companies that have a single telephone number via which they help their customers process their transactions. There are a myriad of opportunities that a business enjoys once it gives its customers convenient, automated access to information regarding the company through a single office phone number. With merely a touch of a button, customers can get to know about business working hours, get in contact with sales staff or get through to customer support as per their need. Any business that has a virtual office can access its online account from anywhere in the world given that an internet connection is available. Moreover, adding to the benefits of such a system is the fact that managers can even edit settings from their personal browser based cell phones.
With a professional?virtual office?you can easily manage your emails, meetings, contacts and documents through any computer over an internet connection and a web browser. Although it is abundantly clear that virtual offices work well in facilitating both the management/employees as well as customers, it has to noted that caution should be taken when selecting a service provider as that is what ultimately determines the extent to which your business can progress and function effectively.
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Google Science Fair grand prize winner Brittany Wenger whom you see on the far right above has joined other winners on stage in their respective age categories, and her place on the podium is thoroughly deserved. After all, she has managed to develop an artificial computer brain which is capable of performing a diagnosis of breast cancer with a 99% sensitivity. Brittany Wenger, aged 17, successfully wrote a breast cancer-diagnosing app that is based on an artificial neural network, leading her to pick up the grand prize at the Google Science Fair a couple of days ago.
What inspired Wenger to make sure her computer brain worked? Well, this is due to the fact that the least invasive diagnostic test for breast cancer, known as ?fine needle aspirate?, is by far and large the least certain one as well, with unclear results popping up often while requiring patients to go through a second biopsy with a bigger needle ? and some other cases even require surgery. Kudos to her for helping make this world a better place!
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Contact: SINC Team
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
The economic impact of the Olympics has not been the same for all host countries. According to the Olympic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the games held in the Catalonian capital 20 years ago were a resounding and incomparable success. But it is not always the case.
The Olympic Games have always been thought of as a great opportunity to give a long-term boost to the economy by taking advantage of a short-term event. But before embarking on the costly effort of organising the Olympics, each candidate city should evaluate their own goals and capacities in order to avoid failure. This is the main conclusion of a report by the Olympic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (CEO-UAB), in which the economic impact of the Olympics from Tokyo '64 to the present day was studied.
"The overall balance of celebrating the games tends to be positive. There are three obvious cases of failure: that of Montreal, due to financial causes, perhaps because all that investment was a little premature; that of Atlanta, because they tried to organise the games wit no urban impact, and in addition there was a terrorist attack; and Athens, where the organisation failed and the games bore little fruit", said to SINC one of the CEO researchers, Ferran Brunet.
Those celebrated in Barcelona are considered to be an example of profitability. One of the causes of its economic success was that the building work related to sport made up only 9.1% of the total investment connected with the games. "Such a small proportion can be explained by the huge amount of private investment which was triggered by the boost of the Olympics on the city", the CEO research indicates.
61.5% of Olympic investment was targeted to civil engineering, pointing to a key aspect of Barcelona '92: its capacity to structure the city. The construction of the Barcelona circulars various ring-road axes , the reopening of the city to the sea through the construction of the Olympic village, and the creation of various new centrality areas and the Olympic areas of Montjuc, Diagonal and Vall d'Hebron were the main developments.
The 'Barcelona model' a key to success
"When the candidature began in 1981, and until 1986 when it was decided, Barcelona was a city undergoing an important crisis due to the movement of industry towards the metropolitan area. From an organisational point of view, with the excuse of the Olympics things were very well done and it was possible to attract significant public but above all private investment" emphasized Brunet.
The Olympic building work was 36.8% promoted by private initiative, a third of which with foreign capital. Private investors targeted housing, hotels and business centres.
"By 2004 the fiscal balance already more than compensated for the investment made by companies and public bodies in relation to Barcelona '92. The fiscal balance is highly positive. The city not only reacted very well to the games, but also knew how to maintain the expansion in an unprecedented manner", states the expert.
In fact, the Olympic investment and its economic impact in Barcelona are not comparable with any other host city of the Olympic Games. Only Tokyo 1964 reached even half the investment impulse of Barcelona. In Seoul 1988 there was significant investment, but in Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 it was very limited. Athens 2004 tried it and Beijing 2008 followed the Barcelona 1992 model with respect to deep urban and economic impact, as will Rio 2016.
In the case of London 2012 their objective is to improve their strategic position among the global regions. "It is a city which is already 'made' and with respect to Europe it is the top region for the location of businesses from the 80s to the present. The relative impact of London 2012 will be lower than in Barcelona, but the games will have a large influence on the visibility of the city during the coming years and will have a huge effect, although to a large extent intangible, on improving its competitiveness", highlights the researcher.
Ferran Brunet. "Anlisis del impacto econmico de los Juegos Olmpicos", Mosaico Olmpico. Investigacin multidisciplinar y difusin de los estudios olmpicos. CEO-UAB, 20 aos, Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2012.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: SINC Team
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
The economic impact of the Olympics has not been the same for all host countries. According to the Olympic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the games held in the Catalonian capital 20 years ago were a resounding and incomparable success. But it is not always the case.
The Olympic Games have always been thought of as a great opportunity to give a long-term boost to the economy by taking advantage of a short-term event. But before embarking on the costly effort of organising the Olympics, each candidate city should evaluate their own goals and capacities in order to avoid failure. This is the main conclusion of a report by the Olympic Studies Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (CEO-UAB), in which the economic impact of the Olympics from Tokyo '64 to the present day was studied.
"The overall balance of celebrating the games tends to be positive. There are three obvious cases of failure: that of Montreal, due to financial causes, perhaps because all that investment was a little premature; that of Atlanta, because they tried to organise the games wit no urban impact, and in addition there was a terrorist attack; and Athens, where the organisation failed and the games bore little fruit", said to SINC one of the CEO researchers, Ferran Brunet.
Those celebrated in Barcelona are considered to be an example of profitability. One of the causes of its economic success was that the building work related to sport made up only 9.1% of the total investment connected with the games. "Such a small proportion can be explained by the huge amount of private investment which was triggered by the boost of the Olympics on the city", the CEO research indicates.
61.5% of Olympic investment was targeted to civil engineering, pointing to a key aspect of Barcelona '92: its capacity to structure the city. The construction of the Barcelona circulars various ring-road axes , the reopening of the city to the sea through the construction of the Olympic village, and the creation of various new centrality areas and the Olympic areas of Montjuc, Diagonal and Vall d'Hebron were the main developments.
The 'Barcelona model' a key to success
"When the candidature began in 1981, and until 1986 when it was decided, Barcelona was a city undergoing an important crisis due to the movement of industry towards the metropolitan area. From an organisational point of view, with the excuse of the Olympics things were very well done and it was possible to attract significant public but above all private investment" emphasized Brunet.
The Olympic building work was 36.8% promoted by private initiative, a third of which with foreign capital. Private investors targeted housing, hotels and business centres.
"By 2004 the fiscal balance already more than compensated for the investment made by companies and public bodies in relation to Barcelona '92. The fiscal balance is highly positive. The city not only reacted very well to the games, but also knew how to maintain the expansion in an unprecedented manner", states the expert.
In fact, the Olympic investment and its economic impact in Barcelona are not comparable with any other host city of the Olympic Games. Only Tokyo 1964 reached even half the investment impulse of Barcelona. In Seoul 1988 there was significant investment, but in Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 it was very limited. Athens 2004 tried it and Beijing 2008 followed the Barcelona 1992 model with respect to deep urban and economic impact, as will Rio 2016.
In the case of London 2012 their objective is to improve their strategic position among the global regions. "It is a city which is already 'made' and with respect to Europe it is the top region for the location of businesses from the 80s to the present. The relative impact of London 2012 will be lower than in Barcelona, but the games will have a large influence on the visibility of the city during the coming years and will have a huge effect, although to a large extent intangible, on improving its competitiveness", highlights the researcher.
Ferran Brunet. "Anlisis del impacto econmico de los Juegos Olmpicos", Mosaico Olmpico. Investigacin multidisciplinar y difusin de los estudios olmpicos. CEO-UAB, 20 aos, Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2012.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Filmmaker Alan Hofmanis with Ugandan clan.
NEW YORK?There are thousands of films produced all over the world each year?many without the luxury of a Hollywood studio for support. Amongst the most hard-pressed of filmmakers are those working within third-world countries.
Isaac Godfrey Geoffrey (I.G.G.) Nabwana is a loving father who produces, directs, and edits action movies from his home in the slums of Wakaliga, Uganda. Funny, touching, and inspiring, ?Wakaliwood: The Documentary? celebrates the pure joy of creativity and the power held by a community when united by a common dream.
There are few resources for filmmakers in Uganda. Out of necessity, I.G.G. Nabwana founded Wakaliwood, a community of actors, filmmakers, and technicians dedicated to building an independent film industry. The term ?Wakaliwood? is a combination of Hollywood and Wakaliga, the slum I.G.G. calls home.
As in the early days of Hollywood, Wakaliwood must build all the equipment and rely on their ingenuity and available materials. For example, the guns they use as props are either carved from wood or welded from car parts and scrap metal. Their tripod is a modified car jack. The computer used for editing, sound mixing, and special effects is built by I.G.G. Nabwana himself and constantly overheats in the Ugandan climate.
Everyone in Wakaliwood works multiple jobs to earn a living, but distribution is the main source of revenue. Cast and crew keep a share of the DVDs they sell at street corners and the local markets. Complicating matters is the fact that Wakaliwood has roughly six days after each new film to make their money, as by that time the film has been pirated and revenue plummets.
Filmmaker and film festival programmer Alan Hofmanis felt compelled to meet I.G.G. Nabwana after watching a 90-second trailer for ?Who Killed Captain Alex,? Uganda?s first action film (hits for I.G.G.?s films number in the millions on YouTube).
?We clicked immediately. We were like two excited kids sharing our favorite movies: Terminator, Predator, the Rambo films.? Hofmanis explained. ?Before I knew it I was adopted by the Nkima (Monkey) clan and became the first muzungu (Westerner) to appear in Ugandan cinema.? Hofmanis co-stars in I.G.G. Nabwana?s latest action film, Black, in post-production.
Upon returning to the United States, filmmaker Ben Barenholtz quickly came on board the documentary project. ?I jumped at the chance,? Barenholtz confesses. ?Uganda is a place that I never anticipated making a documentary, but Isaac?s story inspired me on many levels.?
Within weeks, the two filmmakers, joined by cinematographer Andreas von Scheele, were on a flight to Uganda.
On August 20, a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter will be launched for??Wakaliwood: The Documentary.? The film and campaign will build awareness of the accomplishments of Ugandan filmmaker IGG Nabwana, as well as the joy, struggle, and passion shared by all the members of the Wakaliwood community.
About Alan Hofmanis Alan Hofmanis is the first American to visit and document Wakaliwood, a community of actors, filmmakers, and technicians producing Hollywood-inspired action movies in the slums of Wakaliga, Uganda. Adopted by the Nkima (Monkey) clan and given the Bugandan name Ssali, he is the international ambassador for Wakaliwood and Ramon Film Productions, the production company responsible for Uganda?s first action film, Who Killed Captain Alex? (2010) and its sequel Rescue Team (2011).? In 2012 he starred in the Ugandan action film Black and in the process became the first muzungu (Westerner) to appear in Ugandan cinema.
Previously, Alan Hofmanis served as Director of Programming for the Lake Placid Film Forum and as Director of Special Programming for Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington, NY.
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The All-Inclusive Option
Well, this is of course the most common option in relation to a resort vacation. You come, you see, you idle by the pool, and then you do that little gesture with your fingers that you have practiced until perfection and the waiter immediately runs over with a tray of your favorite choice of umbrella drinks. Come dinner time, there are no family meetings on where to go and what to eat and "how much will it cost", you just mosey on down in your robe and sandals if you feel like it and engorged yourself in the diversified menu offered by most all-inclusive hotels, since it is their job to know that maybe you are not lusting after hot dogs and mashed potatoes just because your ten-year old does.
But today, with the cut-throat competition of the Hawaii-shirt equipped tourist, there is a lot more to the all-inclusive deal than just all you can eat buffets in the hotel restaurant.
Plenty of hotel chains have established contracts with local restaurants, so your choice of venue is no longer confined to the hotel compound, so if you feel up to taking a pre-dinner walk and check out the surroundings, you will still have some options ranging from fine dine to good old fashion available to you on the way.
All Inclusive Sports
Golfing is another popular pass-time among large bulks of hotel guests, and more often than not, quite a few places include a few rounds on the green in the all-inclusive price. Taken into account the cost of rental gear and even golf carts as well.
So you just stack that cooling bag with some complimentary beverages and be on your way. In some places, even the caddie comes with the original price.
To and from the airport are usually a service provided within the frame of the all-inclusive price, and even some excursions. But a private sightseeing with the local cab-driver, then you will have to cough up a few pennies of your own but chances are, if you have done some waggling in the past, you will get a pretty good price for it.
Hotel taxes are another one of those hidden numbers that sometimes comes back to haunt your hotel bill; but most hotels offering the all-inclusive option sees to it that even that transaction is dealt with beforehand.
That is just some of the things the resorts can do for you, now what are you waiting for?
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A sensational writer. If you love great, funny, serious films and TV (yes, that?s intentional) you probably already love Pierson?s work even if you didn?t know he was the writer.
A veteran TV and movie screenwriter, director and producer who served as president of both the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and the Writers Guild-West has died,? Frank Pierson was 87.
?Gentlemanly yet ornery, meticulous yet creative, Pierson compiled a remarkable writing resume, starting in the 1950s with television shows like ?Have Gun ? Will Travel? and ?Playhouse 90,? followed by five decades of films like ?Cat Ballou? (screenplay by Walter Newman and Frank R. Pierson), ?Dog Day Afternoon? (screenplay by Frank Pierson), ?A Star Is Born? (screenplay by Joan Didion & John Gregory Dunne and Frank Pierson), ?In Country? (screenplay by Frank Pierson and Cynthia Cidre), and ?Presumed Innocent? (screenplay by Frank Pierson and Alan J. Pakula),? the piece reports.
In 1971-72, Pierson created-wrote-produced the TV series NICHOLS, starring James Garner in a role that some ? namely all of us here at TVWriter? ? completely overshadowed Garner?s earlier Maverick and later Rockford. Late in his career, Pierson was a consulting producer on AMC?s ?Mad Men? and CBS?s ?The Good Wife.?
Pierson created some movie lines that have become iconic quotes, the story notes. The Writers Guild pointed out one of them in a statement: ?Odds are, all of you know the famous line he came up with while writing 1967?s ?Cool Hand Luke? (screenplay by Donn Pearce and Frank Pierson): ?What we?ve got here is failure to communicate.? The line was not in Pearce?s original novel. (?The phrase just sort of appeared on the page. I looked at it and thought, ?Now that?s interesting.?? Pierson to the WGA described his process this way: ?Sit down at 10 o?clock in the morning and write anything that comes into my head until 12. One of the few things I?ve discovered about writing is to form a habit that becomes an addiction so that if you don?t put something down on paper every day, you get really mean and awful with withdrawal symptoms, and your wife and your dog and your kids are going to kick your ass until you get back to it because they can?t bear you in that state of mind.??
Deadline reports: ?Pierson was born in Chappaqua, N.Y., and attended Harvard. (Pierson?s parents, family and their lives, were the subject of the 1945 film ?Roughly Speaking,? starring Rosalind Russell and Jack Carson.) He got his break in Hollywood in 1958 as scripted editor for ?Have Gun ? Will Travel? and moved on to write for the television series ?Naked City,? ?Route 66? and others. He went on to write or co-write many notable Academy Award-nominated films including ?Cat Ballou? and ?Cool Hand Luke.? It was ?Dog Day Afternoon? which won Pierson his Oscar.?
Pierson directed and worked on the screenplay for ?A Star Is Born,? a project that produced notorious conflict behind the scenes. ?The in-fighting on the film between himself, Barbra Streisand, her boyfriend/producer Jon Peters, and Kris Kristofferson led him to write the notorious and controversial article ?My Battles With Barbra And Jon? in New West magazine,? Deadline reports. ?Many felt that his talking-out-of-school about Hollywood bigwigs irreparably damaged his career.?
Pierson was president of the Writers Guild of America-West twice, from 1981-83 and again from 1993-95. He was president of the Motion Picture Academy from 2001-05. Her also was one of the writing heroes of our boss, Larry Brody, ?from the first time I heard his name, in conjunction with ?Dog Day Afternoon,? to now. I admired Pierson not only as a writer but as a human being. Everything I?ve seen and heard about his work and his life said he was, for all practical ? and impractical ? purposes, a man without fear.?
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AURORA, Colo. (Reuters) - Deliveries received by the man accused of committing a movie house massacre at a Denver-area premiere of the new "Batman" film suggest months of "calculation and deliberation" leading up to the shooting rampage that killed 12 people, police said on Saturday.
Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates discussed the shipments as local and federal authorities completed the painstaking process of disarming suspect James Holmes' apartment, which was found booby-trapped with explosive devices after the shooting at a multiplex theater several miles away.
On Saturday, the local coroner's officer released the names of the 12 people killed. As evening fell, residents gathered at a local high school to mourn the passing of a classmate who graduated in May.
"We've become aware that the suspect over the last four months received a high volume of deliveries to both his work and home addresses," Oates said. "This begins to explain how he got his hands on all the magazines and ammunition.
"We also think it begins to explain some of the materials he had in his apartment," Oates said. "What we're seeing here is evidence of some calculation and deliberation."
A gunman wearing a full suit of tactical body armor, helmet and gas mask opened fire at a packed midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" early on Friday morning, killing 12 people and wounding 58. Holmes, 24, was arrested minutes later in a parking lot behind the cinema.
Among the dead were a 6-year-old girl who had just learned to swim, a young man celebrating his 27th birthday and an aspiring sportscaster who missed by minutes being on the scene of a Toronto mall shooting earlier this summer.
The mass shooting stunned the nation, evoking memories of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, 17 miles from Aurora, where two students opened fire and killed 12 students and a teacher.
It also reverberated in the U.S. presidential race. Both President Barack Obama and his Republican rival, Mitt Romney, toned down their campaigns on Friday, pulled ads from Colorado and dedicated scheduled events to the victims.
Obama was scheduled to travel to Colorado on Sunday to honor the shooting victims, an administration official said.
Those who witnessed the shooting told of a horrific scene, with dazed victims bleeding from bullet wounds, spitting up blood and crying for help.
"I slipped on some blood and landed on a lady. I shook her and said, 'We need to go; get up,' and there was no response, so I presumed she was dead," said Tanner Coon, 17.
When police arrested Holmes, he was armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, a 12-gauge shotgun and a Glock .40-caliber handgun, Oates said. Police found an additional Glock .40-caliber handgun in his car, parked just outside the theater's rear emergency exit, he said.
Police said Holmes had purchased the weapons legally at three area gun stores in the last 60 days and bought 6,000 rounds of ammunition online, including a 100-round drum magazine for an assault rifle.
Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said the suspect was being held in solitary confinement to protect him from other prisoners, a routine move in high-profile cases.
Holmes, who authorities said had dyed his hair red and called himself "the Joker" in a reference to Batman's comic-book nemesis, was due to make an initial court appearance on Monday.
Little has surfaced from Holmes's past to suggest he was capable of such violence.
Until last month, he was studying for a doctoral degree in neuroscience at the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical School, a few blocks from his apartment.
A top student, he had earned a prestigious federal grant from the National Institutes for Health to support his studies. The grants are intended for "outstanding neuroscientists and academicians who will make significant contributions to neurobiology," university spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery said.
Holmes had spent a year in the doctoral program, where a fellow student described him as quiet and studious, before he abruptly withdrew from the university last month. He gave no reason for his departure.
Holmes kept a low profile off campus as well. He was not active under his own name on social media sites like Facebook and both the landlord and fellow tenants of his red-brick apartment building said they knew little about him.
Neighbors who met him in the local bar described him as relaxed and friendly, though a few recalled him displaying brief flashes of anger over seemingly trivial exchanges.
The University of Colorado Hospital, which treated some of the shooting victims, said 10 people had been released and five remained in critical condition. The Medical Center of Aurora said four of its seven patients remained in the intensive care unit, while three others were on the main trauma floor.
A memorial of flowers, candles and stuffed animals quickly sprung up where the shooting rampage took place. A handwritten sign read: "7/20 gone not forgotten."
At the Saturday evening memorial service at Gateway High School, shooting victim and recent graduate A.J. Boik was remembered as beloved former student and talented artist who was bound for college in the fall.
"He was a very big part of this community," said Tami Avery, whose son played sports with Boik. "He will be dearly missed."
After the shooting rampage, police went to Holmes' apartment, where they found booby traps that prevented investigators from entering for two days and forced officials to evacuate the apartment complex and five nearby buildings.
Sources familiar with the investigation said that some 30 shells filled with gunpowder were spread through the 800-square-foot apartment and wired to a control box in the kitchen.
There were also at least two containers filled with "incendiary liquids" intended to fuel a fire from the initial explosions, and an undetermined amount of bullets meant to ricochet around the apartment.
"Given the amount of explosives that were there, if they detonated ideally, you would have had a very ample explosion with an ensuing thermal effect from the incendiary liquids that would have destroyed that apartment complex," a law enforcement official said.
Local and federal bomb experts used a remote-controlled robot to disable two trip wires, then detonated a tube known as a "water shot" to disable the control box. By Saturday afternoon, police had removed the last of the devices, packed them in sand in a dump truck and drove them away.
Authorities said they were working carefully to preserve any evidence in the apartment, which could shed light on the motives for a crime that stunned Aurora and much of the nation
"This apartment was designed to kill whoever entered it," Oates said.
(Additional reporting by Stephanie Simon, Keith Coffman, Edith Honan and Dan Whitcomb; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Eric Beech and Stacey Joyce)
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Ken Theriot has been helping people with high quality audio recording for awhile now through his blog at Home Brew Audio. I just caught wind that he is launching a brand new product, which is the first in his "Newbies Guide" series.
This should be a very popular product (and series!) considering how many people are recording audio these days. From podcasts and video voiceovers, to artists showcasing their work. I learned firsthand just how big a difference there can be in your audio quality by making a few simple changes!
Ken is doing is first major Product Launch with this new product, so I thought it would be fun to interview him on the process and get a quick look behind the scenes...
Lynn: Hi Ken! You've published other products in the past, correct? Can you give us a quick run down of the products you have on the market, and how you promoted those in the past?
Ken: So far I have The Newbies Guide To Audio Recording Awesomeness 1, released (with no launch or fanfare) in 2010, which was a really basic series of tutorial videos showing folks how to get started doing audio recording at home on their computer.
That course was aimed at people who had ZERO budget for new recording gear, and taught how to use the free recording software called Audacity.
This new course takes things to the next level, using the powerful (but amazingly inexpensive) recording software called Reaper and really moving forward into the realm of professional sounding results.
In addition to that first foray into putting out my own products, I recently published 2 short eBooks, one called Audio Recording Awesomeness: 5 Things I Wish I?d Known As An Audio Newbie and How To Build a Home Recording Studio.
For the tutorial course, I did promotion in a number of ways including Google AdWords, YouTube videos, articles, and e-mail marketing. But one of the most effective methods was to give away the first few videos in the course as an opt-in incentive on my blog.
For the eBooks, well they are also pretty new. I tried an AdWords and Facebook campaign, but neither were very effective. I think I just don?t have my message and my targeting zeroed in quite yet.
Lynn: Did you set up an affiliate program for those products?
Ken: Yes I did. The tutorial course was (still is actually) a Click Bank product and some sales came from there. My new products will use the Rapid Action Profits (RAP) system to both sell and manage JVs and affiliates.
But to be honest, I didn?t really know enough about having affiliates ? how to proactively court and develop relationships, providing updates and resources like banners, links, marketing messages for their own campaigns, etc. So with this new course, I hope to be a better merchant for potential JVs and resellers.
Lynn: What made you decide to do a full-on Product Launch with your newest product, instead of releasing it the same way you did with your previous products?
Ken: Part of it was that I now understand how important getting a JV and affiliate team together is. A launch can give them an event to point to and build a campaign around. But I think the biggest reason is that I have an audience now ? a list and a following; not a large one but SOMETHING.
There are people who have been asking ?when is the Reaper course (that?s the new one) going to be out? I can?t wait.? Stuff like that. So it seemed to make sense to make it kind of a big deal, an event, to sort of start out with a huge push.
Finally, I?ve seen some other folks that I admire recently do launches and having been on the receiving end, I got a feel for what it?s like to see a launch video, and the hoopla around the start of something new. I want to do that for my products too.
Lynn: A product launch is quite the undertaking. I imagine you learned a lot in the process! What were some of your biggest hurdles, and what did you learn along the way?
Ken: You are NOT kidding! One of the hurdles is fear. Quietly putting something out, and then taking 6 months or more to slowly tweak it, sell a few, get feedback, tweak some more, does not feel as overwhelming as feeling like it all has to be great on the day you push the ?LAUNCH? button.
That fear really delayed me for a long time, feeling like I had to have everything perfect, even the things I didn?t yet know how to do perfectly. After months of delay (and prodding from customers ? thank goodness!) I came to the conclusion that there NEVER would be a time when everything was perfect!
So as soon as I had most of the videos at least recorded, I put them on my site and did something to force myself to a deadline. I sent a message to my list saying ?This will be done by July 20th or it?s free!? That gave me about 10 days to get the infrastructure together at the very least ? the start-to-finish order and delivery process. Once that was done, everything else was just a matter of making things look and work better and more smoothly.
Some of the specific hurdles were designing and creating graphics for banners, getting the glitches out of the RAP system so it provided a hassle-free order process, getting transcriptions done for each lesson, getting the videos player to stream the tutorial videos from S3 properly, setting up a video studio in my house to record the sales video, writing the copy for that, promoting the launch through social media, press releases, video, podcasts, etc. and a million other little things.
I?m working with a friend, Deb Lloyd, to put together a product-launch checklist for her site ?NextGenBiztools? based on this experience.
Lynn: Where can we find out more about your new product?
Lynn: Where can people sign up as an affiliate, or participate in your Product Launch?
Ken: - it will ask for a ?JV Code? which is? shhh ?AudioCourse? (without the quotes).
There is also a page where people can sign up to be affiliates here:
The main differences will be that affiliates get 70% and JVs get 80% as well as a free review copy of the course.
Lynn: Thanks for walking through all the details with us, and also sharing the struggles you've experienced along the way!
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SAN FRANCISCO -- Sergio Garcia completed law school with the help of odd jobs and proceeds from a self-help book. Then he passed the state law exam on the first try.
But his goal to practice law in California remains unfulfilled because of his status as a Mexican immigrant living in the country without legal permission.
Garcia's case for admission to the state bar is now before the California Supreme Court, which will decide whether he should be allowed to practice law even though his immigration status makes employing him illegal.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris filed a brief with the court on Wednesday in support of Garcia's application. The court is also seeking input from the U.S. Department of Justice.
"Admitting Garcia to the bar would be consistent with state and federal policy that encourages immigrants, both documented and undocumented, to contribute to society," Harris wrote in her brief to the Supreme Court.
Garcia's attorney, Jerome Fishkin, said his client deserves the opportunity to practice law.
"Sergio is poster boy for the sort of immigrant that made this country great. He comes here, he works hard, he's not been on welfare, not taken student loans and worked his way all the way through," Fishkin said.
However, Larry DeSha, a former state bar prosecutor, said the issue comes down to whether or not Garcia can uphold his oath.
"It is the duty of an attorney to support the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this state. My argument is that includes immigration law, which means not being here illegally," DeSha said.
The 35-year-old Garcia, who lives in Durham, does not like to be referred to as an illegal immigrant. While he said he came unlawfully to the U.S. as a toddler with his parents, he applied for legal residency in 1995. His application is still pending 17 years later, after his father already became a citizen and his mother a permanent resident.
"It's a difficult position. It's like being in limbo. I don't belong anywhere," Garcia said in an interview on Thursday.
He didn't expect his immigration status to interfere with his aspirations to be a lawyer, he said, until the State Bar of California started asking for prospective applicants' immigration status right before he passed the bar exam. He told the State Bar his status was pending.
"I have done the best I can within my limitations and circumstances to be 100 percent honest and upfront," Garcia said.
The examiners of the State Bar of California have recommended that the California Supreme Court rule in favor of Garcia.
Fishkin said even though his client cannot legally be employed, it would not be illegal for clients to hire Garcia as an independent contractor.
The U.S. Department of Justice is expected to file its brief to the state Supreme Court in August.
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By Maria Causley
You?ve finally found the woman of your dreams .There?s no denying it. You want to spend every waking moment close to her, and when you are apart, you feel as if your life just doesn?t have any meaning.
Yes, that?s love.
But are you prepared for a commitment yet? Are you prepared to take her hand and walk through the good and the bad on life?s road and ensure she always feels needed, secured, wanted, and loved? Are you ready for? marriage?
While many of you might be shaking your own heads yes , telling me you are indeed ready to get down on one knee, tie the knot, and stand by her side all through your life, I know some of you are maybe afraid to death at the thought. You know you?re committed to her. You don?t wish anyone else in your life. But the concept of marriage is some thing you need to think for a long time about.
These two points of view are completely different, and they provide us a unique insight to the difference between promise rings and engagement rings.
The Difference Between Promise and Engagement Rings
Promise rings are rings offered to a woman or man before a diamond engagement ring is given. This ring does not symbolize a commitment to marriage, but rather a commitment to a monogamous relationship with that particular romantic partner. It may also symbolize the desire to marry, at a certain time. These rings could be donned on the left ring finger , but are usually donned on other fingers so they are not confused with actual engagement rings.
Engagement rings, of course, are given to a partner when you?re ready for the life-time commitment of marriage . They often come after a promise ring, if one is given, and are designed to be the kind of ring a woman would like to wear all through her life.
Why exactly Are Promise Rings Used?
Because promise rings are typically much less expensive and elaborate compared to engagement rings, they are usually utilized as ?place holders.? When a young man is wanting to save up for an engagement ring, he shows his love with this place holder to show his wanted bride he is committed to the relationship and doesn?t like her to go anywhere.
This gives him some extra time to save up for those lovely engagement bands and if you?d like to view more about this matter, have a look at my site now: Silver rings
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July 19, 2012
By Doug Gavel
The process by which nations and municipalities attempt to reform their property tax codes can be incredible complex, politically charged, and oftentimes fruitless. In a new Working Paper, Harvard Kennedy School Lecturer Jay Rosengard outlines potential strategies for making property tax reform efforts more simple, transparent and effective.
"The property tax is the tax everyone loves to hate," Rosengard writes. "Countries can seldom live with the tax as initially designed, yet neither can they live without the tax at all."
Rosengard lists the many common obstacles that often impede reform efforts -- including political landmines, technical shortcomings and miscalculations.
"Although much tax policy is actually made in implementation, administrative reform is often neglected, leading to the frequent unintended negative consequences of conceptually sound but poorly executed property tax laws and regulations ? something might look good on paper, but simply cannot be credibly implemented as designed," Rosengard writes. "Tools to improve administrative cost-effectiveness include simplification, rationalization, standardization, and automation of property taxation."
Rosengard identifies four fundamental principles of property tax reform which he argues must be followed in order to succeed:
"The challenge [facing property tax reform efforts] is to strike a balance between two conflicting sentiments," Rosengard concludes. "The first sentiment is well-articulated by former U.S. President James Madison: 'The power of taxing people and their property is essential to the very existence of government.' The second sentiment is reflected in this rueful observation by the political philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke: 'To tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men.'"
Jay Rosengard, Lecturer in Public Policy, has 35 years of international experience designing, implementing, and evaluating development policies in: public finance and fiscal strategy, tax and budget reform, municipal finance and management, intergovernmental fiscal relations, banking and financial institutions development, microfinance, SME finance, and public administration. He has worked for a wide variety of multilateral and bilateral donors, as well as directly for host governments and private sector clients.
The Working Paper, titled "The Tax Everyone Loves to Hate: Principles of Property Tax Reform," will be published as a chapter in a forthcoming book, "A Primer on the Property Tax," edited by Gary Cornia, William McCluskey and Larry Walters (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell).
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Google just defied expectations again -- it mustered a full $12.21 billion in revenue and generated an ample $2.79 billion in profit for its second quarter of 2012. The growth in revenue was a heady 21 percent over what the search leader saw a year ago (about 15 percent sequentially), even with a recently-swallowed Motorola now factoring (however slightly) into its results. About $10.96 billion of revenue comes from advertising and other close-to-the-vest businesses, $7.54 billion of which was from sites directly owned by Google. Unlike this winter, Google doesn't have any wildcards in store for share splits or other saucy details. Of course, we may learn more when executives hit the phones for a results call -- at present, the company is just happy to look forward to a summer of Nexus 7 sales and Jelly Beans.
Update: Drilling down into Motorola's separate results, Google said its new acquisition generated $1.25 billion by itself, about $843 million of which was after the acquisition was completed. If Motorola had stood on its own, it would have lost $38 million: success with the Droid RAZR MAXX in the US were offset by the continued decline of basic cellphones elsewhere in the world.
Filed under: Cellphones, Tablet PCs, Internet
Google hits $12.21 billion in revenue for Q2 2012 (update: Motorola figures) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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A thinly-disguised Ford (Tracy Trimm) tempts a gullible Falstaff (Mark Schane-Lydon) in "The Merry Wives of Windsor," directed by Tony Pallone. (Sheila O'Shea)
The Classic Theater Guild Inc. recently announced its sixth annual 2012 Helderberg Theater Festival summer series at Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont.
This year?s offerings include a children?s production of ?Cinderella,? directed by Edward Bablin; ?The Merry Wives of Windsor,? directed by Tony Pallone, a 1970s twist on the classic Shakespeare tale; and ?The Durang Hour,? directed by Thomas Dalton Bambury, a humorous Christopher Durang play series, recommended for mature audiences.
The festival is sponsored by The Classic Theater Inc., the Voorheesville Community and School Foundation, Goldman Sachs, Price Chopper and First Niagara Bank. This year, the group is highlighting its principal directors and key members who take on many roles throughout the mainstage season at Proctors Fenimore Gallery and their summer series in Altamont.
The festival opens on July 26 and runs through Aug. 11. All performances are free. Patrons are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket to outdoor performances.
For information, call 256-1656 or click here.
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OHKAY OWINGEH, N.M., July 17, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ ? New Mexico?s natural beauty and colorful landscape are the backdrop to one of the most celebrated Native American events of the region, bringing music, dance, food, crafts and culture to thousands of visitors. Now in its 40th year, the historic Ohkay Owingeh Arts & Crafts Show and Market (formerly the Eight Northern Pueblo Arts & Crafts Show), will take center stage this coming weekend at the Ohkay Conference Center an
Read the rest >>
Wed, July 18th, 2012
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RGIII's Rookie Contract: The Numbers Don't Lie -
What's in a number? Apparently a lot for Washington Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III. On 07-18-12, No. 10 signed for $21.1 million over four years, with an option for a fifth, which could result in huge numbers, if the Heisman winner puts up ...
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EDMONDS, Wash. (AP) ? A fire spokeswoman says blame the crows for a "suspicious powder" scare at Washington state intersection that detoured traffic for more than an hour.
Snohomish County Fire District 1 spokeswoman Leslie Hynes tells The Daily Herald ( that a hazardous materials team responded Tuesday to a report about an unknown white powder in the roadway in the town of Edmonds.
A witness finally told the crew that a couple of crows were to blame. Hynes says a woman was going jogging when she noticed the birds dragging a bag of white flour.
Hynes says the woman took the bag away from the birds, put it in a garbage can and kept running. It took firefighters about an hour to clear the scene.
Says Hynes: "Two crows and a two-alarm hazmat incident."
Information from: The Daily Herald,
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